Hair nightmare & Snapchat being creepy

Hello everyone!

How are you? I am actually back on here. Sooner than I expected, but I wanted to jot down some things only because I found them somewhat amusing and wanted to immortalize it here in my digital journal. Last Friday I got my hair done, something I have not done at a salon in about 2.5 years or so. My highlights are quite expensive and I’ve had to be extra careful in how I’ve spent my money the past years. I’ve missed my highlights as I’ve always had them most of my life. Everything was going well as I caught up with my hairstylist. Since I had been absent, she has gotten a boyfriend, engaged, married and gave birth to a son who is now one years old. I wanted a balayage which is an ombre sort of hair color from the bottom up. After 4 hours sitting in the chair, she was done. Much to my dismay, I did not get what I had wanted. What happened to her magic? I wasn’t happy. I wanted highlights framing my face, which she did, but the color was very blond, almost platinum. Gasp! I wanted a softer, caramel looking highlights. The rest of my hair was so dark and I didn’t like the contrast, it was too much. Feeling defeated that I spent quite a large amount of money on my hair after years of not going, I left the salon. I later bought some hair color and hoped it would darken my highlights the next day. After coloring my hair, yes, I know-a major hair sin! But I was desperate! Nevertheless, I colored my hair (again) and took a shower. While in the shower, I noticed my ends looked grey! No, no, nooooo! This can’t be happening? How? Well, obviously the hair gods were furious at me and wanted to punish me for doing the absolute sin of recoloring after going to the salon. I dried my hair and to my shock, my highlights that were once platinum blond were now grey! The chemical mixture of the box hair dye didn’t mix well with my professional salon dyed hair. Which reminds me of this scene of Anne of Green Gables when she tried to color her hair black and it came out green! Haha! Ugh, the struggles! I feel ya pain girl! Can I just remind everyone that I am obsessed with Anne of Green Gables?

Credit: Finfy

The last time my hair was grey looking was when I had to put baby powder in my hair for a play in Brazil to play an old lady and I was in High School! I was not going to succumb to just walking around in society with grey highlights! Grey balayage is just too weird. I turned to YouTube, of all place, to see how I could fix this travesty. Turns out I just needed 2 items to get back my highlights. All I needed were several lemons and a little bit of conditioner; mix those babies up and vavoom, you’ve got the magic potion. I watched 2 videos of girls who experienced the same hair perils I was going through. I was pleasantly pleased to see that they reversed their grey toned hair. My son curiously stared at my grey highlights and said, “It….doesn’t look that bad!” I appreciated his sweet words, but I knew deep down, he was horrified.

This afternoon, I squeezed a bag of lemons as I prepared to reverse the grey highlights. What started with me daintily putting the mixture on a comb and putting it on my hair gingerly and carefully, ended up with me 5 minutes later dumping the rest of the mixture on my hair and massaging my head. Patience much? I got all my ends saturated and especially my frames. This was a battle of reversing the evil grey tones of my hair. After a few minutes, I saw the blond come back and the grey gone! It’s a miracle! Thank you lemons, my little yellow super heroes.

Highlights are rockin’ again and everything is good in paradise as per photo below.

Things are going well. I have 3 major goals to be completed by June or July. I think having goals in life is good, but also short term goals are good too. I feel like I am enjoying this time in life after several years of having hard times. I pause and thank God for allowing me get through it. I’ve never been happier! The will to be the best I can be, to pursue my dreams and to stay focus has been my main priority. I continue to work very hard in doing my physical therapy. Some days I feel like a slug and don’t want to, but then I remember how far I’ve come. For a while, I thought I would never completely recover. Then some days I realize I have improved, they are just little subtle improvements that show themselves, but it is up to me to see it. I just get so excited about my future & want to go out there and conquer the world; I get squirly about it. Slow & steady. Everything happens when it’s supposed to.

Brown eyes. No grey contact lenses today.

I was playing around with my Snapchat when it suddenly decided to turn creepy on me. I’m not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but listen to this. I was trying different filters on my phone. I had not pushed the record button when suddenly I was no longer in control of my camera! Maybe it was a glitch? My hand was holding my phone steady and not moving. My camera was facing me, but what was being shown on my phone was the ceiling and it was moving. It only happened for 5 seconds, but it looked like my camera was looking around my room on my phone. Maybe it was a glitch and my Snapchat recorded my movements earlier and was just showing it on my phone. Nevertheless, it was strange and creepy. I quickly closed the app and felt it. It was hot. That’s enough, you hot phone! You need to cool off!

When you think you’re having a bad day, remember there are others who are having worse days. It brings it all into perspective. Be gentle to yourself. Love yourself. We all have a purpose, even if it’s just to make a stranger smile. Until next time which will be soon. I promise.

Much love xoxo

4 thoughts on “Hair nightmare & Snapchat being creepy

    1. Thanks! I wanted to treat myself because I haven’t had it professionally done in 2 years. I’m always inside the house. I wanted my hair to look nice when my son & I go out since the weather has been getting warmer lately. Sending many, many, many hugs to you. Glad to see back on WordPress. Stay strong because I know you’re already strong. You are literally the sweetest blogger I know and I’m so blessed to have you as a friend the past 10+ years.

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