JavaGirl’s Journal Week 21: A little addition

Dear Journal,

The past few weeks have flown by and they were quite busy! This week has been extremely busy with deadlines and getting prepared for the State to come by and check out everything at work. It’s the accreditation time of year again. Today was a perfect day if I say so myself. Mom, her new caretaker, myself and Adventure Boy went to visit our good friends Mr. B and his amazing wife Mrs. R. AB adores both of them and always gets excited when we go see them. AB does not have a father nor a grandfather, so Mr. B takes the role of grandfather to AB. The past years Mr. B has taught AB some archery lessons out in the field and shows AB about survival skills as any former Marine would. Mrs. R is just the sweetest woman on the planet and she adores AB that I don’t mind that she spoils him. Even though they don’t have any children of their own, they love children and it shows by how they interact with them. We always love hanging out in the country with these lovely souls and here are some pictures to show our time there. The picture below is not their barn, it’s their neighbors.


The tree above reminds me of the movie “Big Fish”, one of my favorite movies. Mr. B and his wife have this tree in their backyard.

So very country. I love it.

This is “Sparky” who looks like he lost his spark, but believe me, he still has it. He’s just really acting bored in this picture. Just a few moments earlier I had been playing tug a war with a rope with him. Sparky is very well taken care of, gets loads of love and has all the food in the world to eat made by Mrs.R. Sparky was laying down and I snapped a picture of his expression. He’s an old dog, bless his heart.

“Good Boy”. Mr. B gently rubs Sparky’s head and I had to snap another picture. Truly a man’s bestfriend. I’m going to blow up these Sparky pictures, frame them and give them to Mr. B and his wife for Christmas.

Mr. B said my mom could take one of the kittens they were taking care of. This is the newest member of the family! Isn’t he cute? We thought he was a girl at first. Someone who loves animals immediately fell in love with the nameless or soon to be named cat. Guess who?

“Mom, can I name him LOKI?” The cat’s ears go back like horns! The kitten is very mischievous! The only dilemma we have is that we were going to name our future dog “Loki”. AB then said we had to have a “cat conference” with his grandmother, since it is her cat, to agree with a name. So, this kitten remains nameless. Maybe we can have two Loki names in the family.

You are loved. Very much.

A random horse and sheep hanging out together on a farm.

I love the fact that I caught some bicyclists in the background. It just makes the picture much more interesting.

Returning back home, my mom decided to show her new caretaker the bay area. I love sitting by the ocean and taking in all the sounds. It was so peaceful sitting there. Some guy was sitting alone off to the side.

I’m obsessed with sun rays coming through the clouds!

Does this look familiar to you, but less creepy? That’s because I used it for the Weekly Photo Challenge: Eerie in the post before this. Ha. Doesn’t look as creepy in this one. The magic of editing!

AB and I went to the top of the hill at our favorite park and looked at the sunset. Beautiful sunset, but that wasn’t what took my breath away.

I look down and AB gives me this expression. My silly, precious, love of my life son. He’s always being a comedian and keeps me laughing. He certainly takes my breath away! What a great ending to a perfect day!

**Don’t forget to look for our “Thor: The Dark World” movie review coming up. AB and I are excited to watch it and looking forward to reviewing it for all of you!**

20 thoughts on “JavaGirl’s Journal Week 21: A little addition

  1. Lovely post!
    It’s interesting to know that nature has surrounded us with lots of beautiful things.
    We’ve got the skies, the seas, the cats, the dogs… It’s endless. It takes a grateful heart to appreciate life’s beauty and to take it in, cheerfully.
    I smiled through the post; there’s already a name preserved for the future dog?
    Maybe the cat can officially be called Nameless…
    Nice work with this post!


    1. People who truly read my blogs (and not skim) are the ones who tend to know me the best. They are the ones who seem to mention that I really take my time to enjoy nature and things. Which I do. I know that myself, but it’s great to hear it from other people too. I was born in the jungle so I was always so observant of my surroundings and to appreciate the wonders this planet beholds to us. Yes, there is a future dog AB and I have been talking about for the past 7 years. He’s our “dream dog”-a Samoyed. They are friendly, playful and with that personality would fit in perfectly with us. I’m just waiting until we move into a house to get that dog. They are too big for apartments. AB called his grandmother and she said the cat’s name is “butterball”. Ek. Yuck. AB said he will still call the cat “Loki” instead of butterball because a male cat should not be labeled with such a funny name. I think of the Turkey brand, “Butterball”. LOL. Thanks for the compliment my dear friend!!!


    1. I love weekends like these. Thanks for liking my pictures, it means a lot. I always have fun taking them, but they are always spontaneous. Those are the best pictures to take, when something or someone captures your attention so much you just have to bring that camera up and snap a picture right away. People who have cameras see things everyday that are worthy of being shot by a camera, but sometimes something/someone has that extra special “something” about it/them that is worthy of capturing. 🙂


            1. Hm. You may be surprised. Sometimes the action is so good, time flies. When AB was seven, he watched “Fiddler on the Roof” which is gazillion hours long. We are watching it tomorrow, I’m taking AB and his bestfriend to the movies for a great time. 🙂


  2. A lovely variety of pictures you have shown. The sky and sunset shots are beautiful and I was very impressed with that tree with the sun shining through producing that lovely area of shadow.


    1. Hey Chrisstov! How are you? Thank you for stopping by! I like them too. It will remind me of a beautiful time with people that I love. I’m glad you liked the tree. I thought it was kind of basic, but it turned out nice. Sometimes I am my worst critic of my photographs, but if others like them, then they must see something I missed while taking it. Your comment means a lot!! 🙂


    1. AB does have my mom as his grandmother and she is wise in her advice to him. You should see when AB listens to Mr. B. AB becomes all quiet and you can tell he’s taking in everything Mr. B is telling him. Mr. B is a High School Science teacher and is still a hip kinda guy, so he’s always joking around, yet very wise and laid back when he needs to be. My grandfather died around this age of AB. I was 12 and it broke my little heart, unlike my heart has ever been broken. We were very close. My grandfather was like Fred Astaire, very classy, wore suits a lot (and hat) and introduced old Fred Astaire movies to me. I never met my grandmother, so after he died I never had a grandmother who could spoil me. LOL. Such is life! Thanks for your comment wonderful friend!!
