Weekly Photo Challenge: UP




Picture 1 was taken on top of a 15 foot hill at a park by my house earlier tonight. Adventure Boy was carefully holding on to the balloons to the right side of the picture, which is not shown. The air was very chilly and the wind was unforgiving. My hands were freezing from being exposed to the air while taking pictures.  I wanted the illusion of the balloons floating up in the air, high above earth, floating away to an unknown destination. Of course, we didn’t let them go as that would have caused harm to the birds and animals once the balloons deflated and returned to earth.

Picture 2 is a favorite of mine. Once again, I wanted the illusion of Adventure Boy being 30,000 feet above sea level enjoying life in the clouds. In reality, he was up…on a 15 foot hill. I like this picture very much. It’s very peaceful and heavenly. The park we went to was pretty busy for a Monday night. To the left of the pictures, there was a soccer game going on. Below us, walkers and joggers were out. Behind us, there were two games going on of a baseball and softball games. It was a good night. Too bad it was so cold!

Picture 3 looks like a storm is coming, but it was only nightfall. Originally, the balloons were suppose to be orange due to a request, but I was unable to find any orange balloons. Next time.

23 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: UP

    1. Haha…yeah. I kinda went overboard. LOL! Originally, I had two, but I decided to add the last one. How have you been? I’ll be right over to your blogs. Thanks for stopping by my friend!!! 😀


        1. Oh good! I’ll make a note of that for the future! 😀 I can’t stop giggling about that Wayne Brady video on your blog!! That’s going to keep me laughing all day, you know! 😛


    1. Thanks Chris for your support with my blogs and pictures. It means a lot! The first picture is meant to be seen/viewed at its largest size (you have to click on the picture), but WordPress only allowed the size it is now to “fit” on my blog page or else it would have taken over my entire blog page, haha! Btw. Do you have to be a member to vote for Lamb nominations? Are you up for anything? I have to head over and vote for my three buddies 3 Guys and 1 movie.


    1. Awww, thanks Michelle! AB actually was a good sport holding the balloons (one escaped) while battling the wind up there on top of the hill. Ask any parent who is a photographer and you’ll find that their children or child is one of their favorite muses. AB is a budding young photographer himself and even surprises me with his pictures! He took a beautiful picture of the sunset when he ran off with my camera. I show him the ropes with angles, dimensions, landscapes, editing and playing around with the tones and contrasts….He’s got a good eye for photography.


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