14 thoughts on “How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you!

    1. But you would like “Bitsy”, my mom’s cat. She is so cute and thinks she’s a dog. When Kibbles barks at someone or something and runs out, the cat is not too far behind her meowing. She thinks she’s a guard cat. Thanks for the comment Kristoffer! 🙂


  1. As a cat lover, great graphic! Unfortunately, no more cats for us because of the impact of my wife’s allergies …. but we still miss them. Thanks for the reminders.


    1. I understand. I use to have a cat for 15 years. Then suddenly, I became allergic to them and shrimp. My mom has a cat and I always play with her until my allergy pill seems to wear off. It’s funny how cats seem to know and come to those who are allergic to them!


  2. LOLROF! Oh my goodness, they’re irresistable! I cherish my dog, but I also have a feral cat – really I do. After three years (according to my husband) of watching me, she finally wanted to be my friend! I feed and pet her, she inspects the laundry while I fold it, then she goes back to her own business. No one else can get near her. They are amazing animals. Great post!


    1. Cats are very funny and quirky creatures, I totally agree! Funny how your cat inspects your laundry, perhaps she thinks she has an important job to do with you. I always thought it was funny how they zip out of nowhere in front of your feet as you merely walk into a room making you almost fall to the ground! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


  3. I know exactly what you are saying. This is cats! Your little graphic shows everything there is to cats, although your interpretation is a new one for me. According to this I don’t have much longer to live. Can somebody help me? Great post!


    1. Haha! You’re pretty funny Munchow! You just have to do exactly as the cat does, i.e., dash out of a room when the cat comes around the room, beat him/her at a staring contest and massage your cat. See their reaction. Thanks for stopping by Munchow! Hope things are going well over at your end!


      1. Who do you think is gonna win that mental contest? Thanks for the good wishes. And, yes, I am doing very well, enjoying time in Seattle right now. Hope you are doing good too!


        1. You will, of course! 🙂 My mom’s cat, “Bits” is very clever so too. She’s a “teen” right now and not quite an adult, but she is very sweet. I’ll be watchingg her very closely. Never been to Seattle, just Portland. I loved it there!


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