I Love You NY!

I didn’t know what to write about today, so I decided to show one of my favorite videos about NYC. I’ve been in love with the city since I first went to visit it in 1985. NYC holds my  heart in more ways than one. 😉 For a photographer, every street corner is an inspiration for a fantastic black and white picture. I don’t look like a tourist when I visit (I fit right in), but I definately look like a tourist when I’m showing a friend around there. I have my camera to take their pictures and brochures to show them where to go next. When I’m by myself, I go to the Broadway shows, restaurants or just to walk around to shop. If you’re a non-American citizen visiting NYC, there is a special discount from Macy’s store you can get for your purchases. Here are some fun places to check out while here if you’re on a tight budget.

However; if you are new and you want to look and fit right in with the rest of New Yorkers, here is a video you might want to check out. It’s actually funny, but very true. Half of my clothes in my closest are black! Of course, I never wear it during the day, or else I’d roast (especially in this kind of weather!).

I have not gone to Ground zero for ten years. I was up in the twin towers back in 1991 and loved it. I loved the way the building just towered up to the heavens from the ground below. Once on top, I felt like the building was swaying. The taxis below looked like tiny yellow bugs. There was a step down area where you could sit and be nose to glass and get the sensation that you were above the ground. I had a good time up there. I fell in love with the building. Little did I know, that would be the last time I was going to be up there and to see them.

September 11th came and it just broke my heart. My heart broke for the people of NYC, the people killed and the people who were affected by it. It has taken me 10 years to be able to go to Ground zero, it has hurt too much. When I would go to NYC to visit, I wouldn’t go to Ground Zero. I just didn’t feel ready to. Someone I knew as a child who later became a co-pilot of one of the planes was killed that day. It was seen live on tv. When I go visit NYC and I come around the corner and see her skyline (minus the twin towers), I feel an emptines in my heart.

I feel it’s time for this Fall that I will go see Ground Zero and say hello again. It will be emotional. It will be one of mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. I will be happy for new beginnings. A new start.

I will pay my respects because I feel I am ready now.



JavaGirl xoxo