Things I like – Week 1

*This is something new I’m doing to remember throughout the year things I wish for or would like to either try, make, see or whatever. It’s a “visual blog” so to speak. It’s mostly just for me to enjoy, but if you follow along, you’ll get a better sense of who I am. What I love. What I really like. You know those “visual boards” people make to help them achieve their dreams and goals? This is more or less that, but on my blog so I can remind myself things I want or wish for. Things that make me happy! Beginning today, I have to seriously start looking for a home and I have to by this coming December to find a house. Yikes! A girl can dream, no? Things I want for my garden, house etc. It will keep my spirits up and it’s just a fun thing to do. I’ll be getting most of my things from Pinterest, but I also will credit where I get them from too from their original source. My JavaGirl Journals will continue as well beginning this Saturday, as well as my Photo Challenge pictures.

Male Fashion: When it comes to male fashion, I like this earthy, casual and relaxed look. Not exactly a going out to dinner or first date look, but more of a “let’s go to a festival or walk around the city” look. At least from a point of view from a girl.  I could be wrong. Guys always have their own opinions. Lol!


Source: Pretaportre

Plants: I inherited about 20 plants from my mom, so this gives me an idea of what I can do with them once I get a house. This style is unique, little of that “maybe I’m in Costa Rica or Rio” feel to it. I’m always looking for something different, yet young and fresh to try. I’d love to have a section of the patio or room where the plants are organized so your eyes go all over the place instead of just one line of plants– which is boring. I used to be a plant killer (not intentionally), but so far, my new plants are flourishing and still alive. Score!


    Unknown source.

My yard Growing up in Brazil, arches are very common in a typical Brazilian home. I would love to have something of an arch if I ever do buy a home (and not a condo). It would bring a bit of Brazil up here and I would just be happy as a clam. The outside furniture compliments the mood and as does the colors of the pillows. I’d probably be the only person on the block who would have an arch, but who cares! Add a bit of Bossa Nova of Roberto Carlos singing and we’re good to go. How much would it cost to have one built like this? Anyone? I’ll build it myself if I can’t afford it, hehe.



Refreshments: I’m always looking to drink fun, festive and non-alcoholic drinks. I do love having Pepsi once in a while, but something like this cute drink, how can I not try this one out? I’ll hopefully try this one out this weekend. Wait. Does that say Cadbury Chocolates on the side of that box? I love Cadbury!! This drink is made up of cranberry and apple juice with a nice splash of ginger ale. I assume you make it the way you like. The original site did not have this on there anymore.

Source not found.

Wedding:  I almost didn’t post this one because I really didn’t anyone else to steal this lovely “English Garden” theme wedding bouquet, but I decided to play nice. People like it over on my Pinterest site so why not on here on WordPress? I’ve always loved the whimsical gardens from England ever since I was in 6th grade or maybe I just watched “The Secret Garden” too many times. I dreamed that if I ever get married, I’d want a bouquet that looked like it was picked from an English garden.  So pretty

bouquet      Source: United with Love

Photography:  I love this picture! In fact, I loved it so much I actually bought it last year and it’s hanging in my living room. Thanks Adam! Adam is a fantastic photographer. Check out his website! Not only that, he’s also a WordPress subscriber of mine.


 Adam Garelick

15 thoughts on “Things I like – Week 1

    1. Did you see that one article about soda? And what it does to your body during an 8-12 hour period? I’ll email it to you. I love Pepsi, all that soda talk goes out the window when I see that bottle of Pepsi, but it’s not too often. Also I stopped eating hamburgers from fast foods for the past year and a half. One day I ate a burger from Wendy’s and my stomach did not feel good afterwards. Over time, your body adjusts to your diet and once you go off of it, your body TELLS you! The less foods with chemicals and processing crap in them, the better my inner bod will be. Lol. I’m all about organic or foods in their purest form. I had bacon this morning, but whatever! 😛


        1. Adventure Boy uses ground turkey (it’s healthier) and makes a burger with it. He loves it. I also substitute ground turkey for beef when I make spaghetti. It feels lighter on your stomach and not as heavy as beef. We mostly eat chicken and ground turkey. I’d eat fish too if I wasn’t allergic to fish and shellfish. 😦 Booooo.


            1. I love fish, crabs and shrimp. I miss eating them. I don’t like oysters or clams. Not a huge lobster fan either. I need to eat more fruit this year. 🙂 It’s taken about 2 years to become disciplined. After a while, you don’t realize it’s discipline anymore. 🙂


    1. Lol. Um..well. If I break my year long lease midway this year (June), then I can move somewhere. Yeah, initially I wanted to move to South Carolina with my mom, but someone said the schools down there aren’t good. I don’t know how true that is. One thing I look for when I do move, wherever that will be (if I do move out of State) is a good school, a great hospital and the yearly pollen count due to my seasonal allergies. I heard S.C. was also too hot for me. However, someone did mention being by the ocean would be good for my allergies. I certainly do love the ocean so much. It inspires me and hearing the ocean waves is healing to the soul. 🙂


  1. It makes sense for you to move closer to the ocean. BTW South Carolina has very loose teacher requirements, I have known several teachers who came over from other countries and immediately got jobs in SC. I have heard the same things about the school system, but who knows for sure? It can’t be any worse than Georgia though. Don’t know much about North Carolina. Virginia is more difficult in their teacher requirements than most. Again, I don’t know about the actual schools though.


    1. I also like the hustle and bustle of the city. I’m so confused! 😛 Everything will fall into place. That is my mantra and I have to have faith. If I had a choice, I’d home school my son. I’m appalled by how late they teach kids things up here in the USA. I learned cursive in 1st grade at my school down in Brazil. My son didn’t learn it until well into 3rd or 4th grade. I was also doing a lot of science projects in middle school, but he hasn’t done them so much up here at his school. He loves science too, which is a shame. Guess I’ll have to run to my local teacher’s store and pick up some advanced courses for him to keep his mind occupied. AB is very intelligent. Private schools are expensive it’s ridiculous. Oh well. But that is what I look for when I do decide to move. I look at the score of the local schools.


  2. I think I agree with Adventure Boy about moving in the summer. It definitely puts less pressure on him if he has to change schools. My thoughts are to take things slow for a bit. You have some emotional stuff to work through and big changes/choices are best made when your feelings aren’t quite so raw. Time. Just take some time.


    1. I’m taking the house hunting semi slow. I have two cars I really like a lot and am just excited thinking about them. I’m still in the process of cleaning out my mom’s house. It’s a very tedious job. She had a lot. Luckily, my mom’s friend is helping me with it and has been fun working with. My aunt isn’t doing too well either. She is my mom’s oldest sister and who knows how much longer she’ll be around. She’s a tough cookie, so we’ll see. Whenever I talk to her, I hear a tiny bit of my mom’s voice in her. I save some pictures and videos off of my mom’s phone and transferred it to my phone so I could hear her voice when I miss her.


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